Standard Chartered Fixed Deposit
Bank Fixed Deposit or Term Deposit is a deposit scheme where you can invest money in lump sum for a fixed pre-decided tenure at a given rate of interest. Standard Chartered Bank offers Fixed Deposit (FD) products of multiple tenures at competitive interest rates and with many other benefits like loan or overdraft facility against Fixed Deposit. STANDARD Chartered (StanChart) on Wednesday announced the launch of its Singdollar sustainable time deposits, which is the first local currency sustainable deposit product that enables retail and private banking investors to get returns for their investments in sustainability. Read more at The Business Times.
Standard Chartered Bank offers Fixed Deposit (FD) products of multiple tenures at competitive interest rates and with many other benefits like loan or overdraft facility against Fixed Deposit. It is very easy to open a Fixed Deposit Account in Standard Chartered Bank
Eligibility Criteria for opening Fixed Deposit Account in Standard Chartered Bank
Any individual, Minor, HUF, proprietary/ partnership firm, LLP, company, AOP, body of individuals (BOI), local authority, trust, NRI and registered society can invest in fixed deposits (FD).
Documents required for opening Fixed Deposit Account in Standard Chartered Bank
Following Documents are required for opening a Fixed Deposit Account
Category | Documents Required |
Individual, HUF, Proprietor |
Partnership Firm |
Trust |
Associations, Clubs |
Company |
How to open Fixed Deposit Account in Standard Chartered Bank?
In order to open a Fixed Deposit Account in Standard Chartered Bank, you need to follow below mentioned steps:

You need to visit the Standard Chartered Bank branch in which you want to open your FD account.
(2) Fill up Fixed Deposit Account Opening Form (FD-AOF)Obtain the Fixed Deposit Account Opening Form and fill up all the necessary details of the customer's information and other details in the different sections given in the prescribed form like name, address, contact number, email id, PAN, type of account to be opened, nominee's name, etc.
(3) Fill up Fixed Deposit Tenure
You need to mention FD tenure/ period/ or Term which ranges from 7 days to 10 years.
(4) Attach Cheque for Fixed Deposit
You need to attach a cheque worth of that amount you wish to deposit for FD. Alternatively, you can also transfer that amount through net banking.
(5) Attach Required (Mandatory) Documents with the Account Opening Form (AOF)After completing filling up the account opening form, you need to attach KYC documents like PAN, Proof of Address & Proof of Identity.
Some banks make it mandatory to provide Permanent address and telephone number.
(6) Verification of Account Opening Form (AOF) & Other Documents by the BankerBanker will verify Account Opening Form (AOF) and other attached documents. If he is satisfied with these requirements, he will proceed further.
(7) Obtain acknowledgement slip of FD Account Opening Form from Standard Chartered BankOnce your documents are successfully verified, the banker will give you acknowledgement slip of FD Account Opening Form.

Important Points regarding Opening Fixed Deposit Account in Standard Chartered Bank
Standard Chartered Fixed Deposit Rate

- Research and select the bank paying maximum rate of interest on Fixed Deposit for the FD tenure you require.
- Different Banks offer different rate of interest under Fixed Deposit Account.
- Select a nearby bank branch.
- Fill the account opening form in CAPITAL LETTERS using black ink.
- Countersign in case of any overwriting while filling up the account opening form.
- You must avail the nomination facility.
- Don't forget to take the original KYC documents with you for verification purpose.
- If your mailing address and permanent address are different, provide address proof documents for both.