Sad King Billy

  • Sad King Billy has an air of Billy Pilgrim about him, from Kurt Vonnegut's Slaughterhouse-Five, a man unstuck in time and trying to find his place. He meets a much more gruesome fate though, one tinged with irony, as the Shrike, allegedly summoned by the Cantos Billy implored Silenus to finish, slaughters him in the middle of the Poet's City.
  • In 1996, Billy Corgan spoke about the making of “1979” to Guitar School. It was the last song written for the album I demoed out the basic music for “1979,” and we practiced it a few.
MadameNoire Featured Video

New project from Walk the West and The Cactus Brothers guitarist Will Golemon and his daughter Jamie. The Discovery Channel's Alaskan Bush People centers around a large, rugged, and complicated family known as the Browns. Since May 2014, the docu-series has followed parents Ami and Billy Brown.

Graham1 of 10

Sad King Billy Song


Sad King Billy Runneth

Look. I’m all for people being open and honest and comfortable about their sexuality. Lord knows I’m not a fan of folks thinking it’s acceptable to knowingly parade the streets on the “down low,” endangering themselves and others. But I would be lying if I pretended like some of the men in Hollywood who’ve come out as gay or bisexual over the years didn’t have me shedding a single tear and doing the Florida Evans out here (“Damn, damn, DAMN!”). Of course, the chances of me getting with any of these men before I knew of their actual sexual orientation was slim, but I always had a crush or fascination with them to the point that I felt a little sad. But I am happy for them! For the sake of an interesting slideshow though, here are nine fellas I used to crush on that broke my little heart when I found out they were gay or bisexual.

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