Credit Union Cd Rates
- Credit Union Cd Rates Certificates Of Deposit
- Credit Union Cd Rates Ma
- Navy Credit Union Cd Rates
- Credit Union Cd Rates Tx
- Credit Union Cd Rates 5 Years
Effective: 03/01/2021
Rates shown are for members with an “A” credit score of 680 or above. Rates also reflect a 0.75% point interest rate reduction for automatic loan payments deducted from an “active” WCCU checking. Rates as of 03/03/21.APY = Annual Percentage Yield. Minimum balance to open a CD is $500. A penalty may be charged for earlier withdrawal of a fixed term certificate or IRA. Mar 03, 2021 Abound Credit Union: Best 3-Year CD. Formerly known as Fort Knox Federal Credit Union, Abound Credit Union is a Kentucky-based institution with ties to the Fort Knox Army base. Started by 10 people in 1950, Abound claims it is the largest credit union in the state, with 18 locations and more than 100,000 members. Interest Rates for Savings Products Knowing current interest rates is a good first step on the journey to financial ownership. Marine Credit Union posts interest rates as a convenience to our members as they make financial decisions.
Minimum to Open | Minimum Balance to Earn Interest | Interest Dividend Rate | Annual % Yield (APY) |
$5.00 | $25 | 0.05% | 0.05% |
Reward YA Savings (18-26 years old)
Minimum to Open | Minimum Balance to Earn Dividend | Annual % Rate (APR) | Annual % Yield (APY) |
$5.00 | $25-499 | 1.04% | 1.05% |
$5.00 | $500 | 0.05% | 0.05% |
Health Savings Account (HSA)
Minimum to Open | Minimum Balance to Earn Interest | Interest Dividend Rate | Annual % Yield (APY) |
$5.00 | $25 | 0.05% | 0.05% |
IRA Savings
Minimum to Open | Minimum Balance to Earn Interest | Interest Dividend Rate | Annual % Yield (APY) |
$500 or waived with $10 monthly contribution | $25 - $9,999 | 0.10% | 0.10% |
$500 or waived with $10 monthly contribution | $10,000 - $24,999 | 0.15% | 0.15% |
$500 or waived with $10 monthly contribution | $25,000 | 0.20% | 0.20% |
Christmas and Club Accounts
Minimum Balance to Earn Interest | Annual % Rate (APR) | Annual % Yield (APY) |
$25 | 0.05% | 0.05% |
Consumer and Business Money Market
Minimum to Open | Minimum Balance to Earn Interest | Annual % Rate (APR) | Annual % Yield (APY) |
$1,000 | $1,000-9,999 | 0.25% | 0.25% |
$1,000 | $10,000-24,999 | 0.30% | 0.30% |
$1,000 | $25,000-49,999 | 0.35% | 0.35% |
$1,000 | $50,000-99,999 | 0.35% | 0.35% |
$1,000 | $100,000 | 0.40% | 0.40% |
Consumer and Business High Interest Checking
Minimum Balance to Earn Interest | Annual % Rate (APR) | Annual % Yield (APY) |
$0-10,000 ~ Qualifying Tier 1 | 1.74% | 1.75% |
$10,001-25,000 ~ Qualifying Tier 2 | 0.25% | 0.25% |
$25,001+ and Non-Qualifying Tier | 0.05% | 0.05% |
Interest Checking
Minimum to Open | Minimum Balance to Earn Interest | Annual % Rate (APR) | Annual % Yield (APY) |
$1,000 | $1,000 | 0.05% | 0.05% |
Consumer and Business Regular and IRA Certificates of Deposit (CDs)
Term | Annual Percentage Rate (APR) | Annual Percentage Yield (APY) |
6 Months | 0.40% | 0.40% |
12 Months | 0.50% | 0.50% |
24 Months | 0.65% | 0.65% |
36 Months | 0.80% | 0.80% |
48 Months | 0.85% | 0.85% |
60 Months | 0.95% | 0.95% |
Minimum balance to open and earn interest $500.00 |
Baby Jumbo Certificates and IRAs
Term | Annual % Rate (APR) | Annual % Yield (APY) |
6 Months (REG only) | 0.40% | 0.40% |
12 Months | 0.50% | 0.50% |
Minimum balance to open and earn interest is $25,000 |

Jumbo Certificates and IRAs

Term | Annual % Rate (APR) | Annual % Yield (APY) |
6 Months (REG only) | 0.50% | 0.50% |
12 Months | 0.60% | 0.60% |
Minimum balance to open and earn interest is $100,000 |
Additional terms and rates may be available, see a Partner Colorado representative for details. Except as specifically described, the following disclosures apply to all of the accounts:
Savings Disclosures: Deposit product information is applicable to your Savings, Checking (Share Draft), Individual Retirement Account (IRA) and Certificates of Deposit (CD) Accounts at Partner Colorado Credit Union as of the effective date shown above. The Credit Union may offer other rates and fees or amend the rates and fees contained in the schedule from time to time. Each account holder agrees to the terms of the “Account Disclosure” and acknowledges it as part of the Account Agreement.
Credit Union Cd Rates Certificates Of Deposit
Interest Rate: The interest rate and Annual Percentage Yield (APY) are fixed for the CD/IRA CD and will be in effect for the term of the account. The APY is based on an assumption that interest will remain on deposit until maturity, fees and penalties could affect earnings. The rates are accurate and effective for the date indicated at the top of the page. Rates are subject to change without notice. If you have any questions or require current rate information on your accounts, please call (303) 422-6221 or (800) 367-2474.
Nature of Dividends: Dividends are declared and paid by the Board of Directors monthly. For Savings, Checking (Share Draft) and Variable IRA Savings accounts, dividends are paid from current income and available earnings after required transfers to reserves at the end of a dividend period, and the dividend rate and APY shown above are the rates that the Credit Union will pay for the applicable dividend period. Dividends are not paid in excess of earnings.
Compounding and Crediting: Dividends will be compounded on a monthly basis. For dividend-bearing accounts, compounding will begin with the first calendar day of the month and ends on the last calendar day of the month. Accounts that have accrued dividends, but are uncredited will not get paid out early if the account is closed before dividends have posted.
Credit Union Cd Rates Ma
Accrual of Interest/Dividends: Interest/dividends will begin to accrue on all deposits (e.g., checks) on the business day you make the deposit to your account. For any CD accounts, at account opening you may elect to have accrued interest transferred to a Savings or Checking account. This election and the APY for your account will be shown on your CD receipt. Interest is credited monthly. Minimum balances apply. Accounts that fall below minimum balance and/or are closed early will forfeit dividends. Interest earning products include: CDs, Checking accounts, all IRA accounts, Money Market accounts and Savings accounts. Interest-earning accounts rates disclosed are accurate as of the effective date listed on this page.
Balance Information: The minimum balance required to open each account is shown above. For all accounts, interest is calculated monthly on the average daily balance. Failure to maintain the minimum balance, at any time, in the Money Market account will result in forfeiture of dividends and a $10.00 monthly fee.
Savings and Money Market Account: For savings accounts, transaction limitations will apply. No more than six (6) preauthorized automatic, overdraft transfers or telephone transfers may be made from these accounts to a checking account of yours, or to a third party, in any month. If you exceed these limitations, your account may be subject to a fee, which could affect your earnings, or closed.
Overdraft Increments: Overdraft transfers to checking will be made to cover the draft item or the available overdraft balance, if less.
CD Information: Please see Account Agreement for additional information. CD accounts are non-transferable, non-assignable, and may not be pledged except as collateral for a loan at Partner Colorado Credit Union (IRA certificates may not be pledged). The Annual Percentage Yield (APY) is based on an assumption that dividends/interest will remain in the account until maturity. We will impose a penalty if you close your CD prior to the maturity date. The penalty will be equal to 90 days of interest for certificate terms of 12 months or less and 180 days of interest for certificate terms over 12 months. This penalty may affect principle and will reduce earnings.
IRA Penalties: If you make a withdrawal from your IRA for any reason prior to attaining age 59½, the following penalties apply:
From a Variable Rate Account: None. From a CD: A penalty will be imposed if you close your CD prior to the maturity date. The penalty will be equal to 90 days of interest. The SECURE Act made major changes to the Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) rules. For plan participants and IRA owners who reached the age of 70 ½ in 2019, the prior rule applies and the first RMD must start by April 1, 2020. For plan participants and IRA owners who reach age 70 ½ in 2020, the first RMD must start by April 1 of the year after the plan participant or IRA owner reaches 72. However, a penalty equal to 90 days of interest for certificate terms of 12 months or less and 180 days of interest for certificate terms over 12 months. This penalty may affect principle and will reduce earnings. There are penalties on IRA accounts after age 70½ if considered a Required Minimum Distribution (RMD).
Navy Credit Union Cd Rates
IRS Penalties: If you make a withdrawal from your IRA prior to attaining age 59½ without re-depositing the funds into this or another IRA within 60 days, the funds are subject to an IRS 10% premature withdrawal tax. Funds are subject to income tax in the year of withdrawal, regardless of your age. The IRS allows one rollover (a transfer which you make directly to us, not institution-to-institution) per year. Partner Colorado is not a tax advisor. Please contact your tax advisor before withdrawing funds or to learn more regarding interest tax deductibility.
Credit Union Cd Rates Tx
High Interest Checking Qualifiers to Earn Interest: Must complete twenty (20) $5 minimum signature based debit card transactions every month. Must sign up and receive eStatements, use Online or Mobile Banking with a valid e-mail address. Non-qualifying accounts will be paid the listed rate on total balance.
Credit Union Cd Rates 5 Years
Home Equity Loan Rates
Term APR* Monthly Payment Per $10,000 Borrowed 1 - 60 mos. as low as 3.49% $181.87 61 - 120 mos. as low as 4.49% $103.59 121 - 180 mos. as low as 4.74% $77.73 *Annual Percentage Rate (APR) applies to Loan-to-Value (LTV) less than or equal to 80%. APR will not be less than 3.24% or greater than 6.49%. The interest rate you receive will be based on your credit history. Hazard Insurance is required. For loans over $150,000, Title Insurance is required. Loan subject to final approval. Terms and rates subject to change without notice and apply to loans in the 2nd lien position.
Home Equity Line of Credit
3.99% Variable APR Home Equity Line Amounts* Monthly Payment Examples $8,000 $100.00 $20,000 $147.86 $30,000 $221.79 *Annual Percentage Rate (APR) applies to Loan-to-Value (LTV) less than or equal to 80%. Home Equity Line of Credit is subject to a Variable Rate which is based on the highest Prime Rate as published in the Wall Street Journal and will be the rate 10 days prior to the first day of each calendar quarter of each year. Rate will never be less than 3.99% nor greater than 18%. The interest rate you receive will be based on your credit history. APR as low as Prime Rate - 0.01% Margin. Rates accurate since 04/09/20. Hazard Insurance is required. For loans over $150,000, Title Insurance is required. Line of Credit subject to final approval. Terms and rates subject to change without notice.
Auto Loans
Type Term APR Minimum Maximum New and Used 1 - 66 mos. as low as 2.99%* $3,000 $75,000 New and Used 67 - 75 mos. as low as 3.24%* $15,000 $75,000 New and Used 76 - 84 mos. as low as 3.99%* $20,000 $75,000 *APR=Annual Percentage Rate. The interest rate you receive will be based on your credit history. APR will not be less than 2.99% for new cars or used cars, or greater than 18.00%. Payment Example: Monthly payments for a $20,000 Auto loan at 2.99% APR for a term of 5 years would result in 60 monthly payments of $359.70. Satisfactory vehicle insurance required. Freedom Loans and Lines of Credit can't be refinanced and other conditions may apply. Terms and rates are subject to change without notice.
Credit Card Rates
Product APR* Cash Back Visa® as low as 10.65%* *APR = Annual Percentage Rate. Rates accurate as of 3/26/20. The total maximum unsecured debt per member is $30,000. Terms and rates are subject to change without notice. For Credit Cards, an eligible co-borrower will be required unless the Cardholder has independent means of repaying any credit extended. The interest rate that you receive will be based on your credit history.
Personal Loan Rates
Loan Type APR* Share Secured Loan 7.00% Personal/Signature Loan Fixed & as low as 8.99%** Term Share Certificate Secured Loan 7.00%*** Overdraft/Line of Credit Variable & as low as 10.15%**** *APR=Annual Percentage Rate. The maximum total unsecured debt per Member is $30,000. Terms and rates are subject to change without notice.
**The interest rate you receive will be based on your credit history. APR will not be less than 8.99% or greater than 17.99%. Loan minimum is $500. If you are refinancing a Freedom Loan or Line of Credit, a minimum of $500 in new borrowing is required.
***The greater of 7% APR or 2% above the Term Share Certificate rate.
****The interest rate you receive will be based on your credit history. APR will not be less than 10.15% or greater than 17.9%.
Checking & Savings Rates
Account Dividend Rate APY* Min. Deposit to Open Checking Earn some dividends Earn some dividends $0 Primary Savings 0.10% 0.10% $5 Club Savings 0.10% 0.10% $0 IRA Savings 0.10% 0.10% $0 Education Savings 0.10% 0.10% $0 Health Savings 0.05% 0.05% $0 Money MarketTier 1: $0 - $9,999.99 0.10% 0.10% $0 Money MarketTier 2: $10,000 and up 0.20% 0.20% $10,000 *Annual Percentage Yield. Dividends on IRA, Savings, Club, and Checking Accounts are computed monthly on average daily balances of $5 or more and posted monthly. The Money Market Account Tier 2 has a variable rate which will be greater than our regular savings rate, and subject to daily adjustments. Dividends will be paid monthly on the average daily balance, based upon the current tier level rates. Fees may reduce earnings. Regulations prohibit payment in excess of available earnings. The rate listed is the rate that the Credit Union anticipates paying as of 11/10/2020. Rates subject to change without notice and may change after account is opened.
CDs & IRA Rates
Term Annual Dividend Rate* APY** 6 mos. 0.30% 0.30% 12 mos. 0.50% 0.50% 18 mos. 0.55% 0.55% 24 mos. 0.60% 0.60% 30 mos. 0.65% 0.65% 36 mos. 0.75% 0.75% 48 mos. 0.80% 0.80% 60 mos. 0.90% 0.90% *Regulations prohibit payment in excess of available earnings. Penalty required for early withdrawal. Rates accurate since 2/21/21. Terms and rates are subject to change without notice. Fees may reduce earnings.
**APY = Annual Percentage Yield. A minimum deposit of $500 ($250 for Youth CD - 25 or younger) is required to open a CD. Rates are accurate since 2/21/21. Dividends are calculated by the actual daily balance method which applies a daily periodic rate to the balance in the CD each day. The Dividend Rate and APY at time of purchase are fixed and will be in effect for the term of the CD. Fees may reduce earnings. Terms and rates are subject to change without notice. For rates and fees, see our Rate and Fee Schedule.